Couples and Marriage Therapy
Happy Marriages Are Possible!
Individual Therapy: through the relational lens.
My Therapy Program: 90-minute sessions once per week for 3-4 months.
I have studied every aspect of marriage therapy--from pre-marital therapy to co-parenting for divorced parents. This is a huge scope along a single spectrum of couples therapies and coaching. Currently, I am most interested in helping marriages stay together, using divorce-busting techniques. I also can work with only one partner and help them improve the marriage with solo efforts.
In my office, the relationship is the "patient" and each partner is a contributor to this "bank." The type of "deposits" made directly impact the well-being of the "bank." The defensive, confused, and resentful deposits hurt my "patient". Consistent acts of FIERCE INTIMACY: honesty, vulnerability, compassion, “adulting,” and connection make my "patient" healthier. Much of this work depends upon the individual changes and growth each contributor is willing to do in my office.