Can My Husband and I Have Marriage Therapy Virtually?
I wasn’t so sure about virtual therapy. I have done face-to-face therapy with couples and individuals for over 30 years. I could catch a fleeting look, or a glance couples gave to each. .My intuition had been honed exquisitely and I used it to name what wasn’t being said out loud by a client.
Could I be that kind of therapist on-line? At first it was hard.and awkward. I had to ask many more questions about things I could have naturally picked up in person. What are feeling right now? Put words to that expression that flickered over your face right now. Let’s make sure we’re on the same page...
I had to stop making assumptions and develop a very direct and clear way to understand what was going on at any single moment.
Then it got easier. Because it had to. This was my only vehicle to help people. Some how all these direct questions for clarity just became part of our therapeutic relationship. My intuition transitioned, somehow, to the remote therapy.
Now, I love to do my work virtually. My clients love it, too. No more commutes. No more rushing! The work is as successful as it is face-to-face. Terry Real who developed the RLT model works with couples around the world. He has always worked remotely.
I love meeting their adorable kids (who interrupt our privacy all the time). I love meeting their pets and seeing their homes. I gather a lot of information about my clients from their personal environment in a very warm way.
Many of my clients have relaxed so much that we start the session with them sprawled on their couches or taking their first sip of morning coffee. I get to see them organically and this adds to the work.
If we never went back to office visits, I will be o.k. with that.
The work is as impactful on-line as it is in person.
c: 02/2021